Alrighty, so one night I decided I was gonna try and cartoonify myself and some of my friends. So far I kinda have plans for 5 more, then depending on how much I'm liking doing them I might do more. Also, I'm gonna try and make them kinda funny, like how this one shows that I'm pretty much a japanese school girl at heart. Anyhow, I'm doing them 100% on the computer, with Flash and Photoshop. I'm also using super-simple coloring meaning they'll look more cartoony and also take about an hour or less to color (this one took me a little less than an hour to color, and now that I know how I'm gonna do it, it should only get faster). Anyhow, here it is.
Neat stuff, Ben!
Thanks! I know it's kinda crappy, but it's fun to do so... yep.
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