Heh heh heh... math. I enjoy how [this pic] turned out. Methinks I'm gonna make a better version and send it to Threadless... see what happens.
Oh and I did some scanning so provided I remember, there'll be some new pics over the next few days... if anyone is still here ;)
Oh, we're still here. Just wondering is this a statement on math or just doodling? I hated math. Even though I use it daily but now I do it in my head. That's what age does for you.
I enjoy how the picture turned out. I'm hating math at the moment...calculus sucks... why must I rotate graphs around an axis to find the volume?! I did alright on my first calculus final though (we have three, two practice tests, the better of which counts as our final mark, and one to get a math 110 university credit if we do well enough).
As you will see from the video below math isn't always necessary to figure out a complex problem. A little common sense can go a long way. As Wally Wallington found out Enjoy.
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