Drew this one in my poetry book, in english.
Alright, so I doodle from time to time and sometimes I post them here. Simple. Most of these are from when I get bored in a class or something, but every once in a while I'll make something at home or color a doodle on the computer. Enjoy.
That's looks cool, except you desecrated all over the words of Jesus. Shame on your sacrilegious values we should burn you on the cross.
Man that guy is iiiintense...
You should really get a lawyer or a gun Ben...I'm concerned..
Dear anonymous,
That's not the word of Jesus, it's lyrics from a Leonard Cohen song. If your beliefs are so strong then why didn't you realize this?
Sincerely (and not afraid to hide my identity) Ben
P.S. - Bring it Stefan.
I don't know if Stefan is articulate enough to throw up a sentence of that quality. And look at the time difference between the two comments.
Wow, you must have caught that one right after Stefan posted it!
For the record, you do play a convincing Christian extremist.
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