Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nice pants, no pants! you can see, he's pantsless. I probably gave in to the horrible demand to do my homework or something. Oh well.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Panda. Now In Color.

My line art and stuff sucked so I didn't bother saving anything part way through. You just get the finished product... Taa-daa!

Oh, and if you see anything else you want me to color, post or tell me and I will.

P.S. I only used photoshop to make this. The seems to suck to do lines in it (at least if you don't have a tablet) but it seems to do an awesome job at pretty much anything else I want it to do.

Monday, February 26, 2007

H-Harry... Harry Potter?!

I love me some Harry Potter. This pic however, wasn't even gonna be Harry Potter, it was just gonna be some other un-named wizard but Graham said it should be Harry and so the obligatory glasses and scar were added :p

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Dance

I liked how those guys turned out so I decided to draw them on my binder (I'll post the rest of my binder one of these days). I believe I drew this sometime close to the winter formal and so I turned it into a dance sorta scene. Usually when I try to re-draw pictures on my binder, they turn out way worse, but this one didn't turn out too bad.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Girl

Surprise, surprise. The guy goes with the girl! Wierd! This one also didn't scan well (since it was on the same page...).

The Guy

This one didn't scan too good so I had to darken it and stuff on the computer. It looks kinda anime-ish.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

...Post #13

So I did this one quite a while ago, but saw the paper sitting in my room and so I scanned it. It's supposed to be Jay McCrae. He saw me doodling in english one day and told me to draw him. Although I don't know how much it looks like him, I like how it turned out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I like pandas. Here is one.


Okay, so I'm gonna start posting one of these every day... provided I remember. I have lots of pictures scanned so if I don't draw anything good one day I have lots of filler. Anyhow, here is a DRAGON!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I can't color inside the lines...

Woo... soo, I got bored one night and decided to color one of my pics. I used Flash to ink it then Photoshop to color it. It was my first try at coloring something in photoshop and I think it turned out pretty nicely.

1. Lines
2. Colors and Shading

3. LightingIt was fun to do this. I'll prolly color some other pics sometime.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The rat / cat / dog / wolf thing.

Yea, so this was on my answers for a chem assignment and when I went to ask my teacher a question, she totally said "Nice rat" later adding "err... nice rat, cat, dog, wolf thingy". What it actually is supposed to be? You'll never know! NEVER!!

Hand of doom!

It's a hand... a HUMONGOUS hand... and it looks like it's gonna pick up that stick man.


Mario shows off yet another Italian stereotype.


I like this picture. This guy looks cool. Like me :D

Lost in the wind

I dunno... I drew this after reading some weird poem in histoire (yes, history in french).

Dog Head.

Yep, so it's a dog's head nicely accented by the triangle for a math problem. It actually is not very good but I scanned it and therefore it must be posted.


Woo! AP Calculus! Yep, it's real sketchy but that's cause no one really knows what ninjas look like. Well some people might but they're either ninjas or dead.


Okay, so it looks more like L-Unit, sue me.


Yep... the title pretty much covers it...