Sunday, June 24, 2007


Ok... so this isn't that impressive but y'know... I kinda like it.
Yep, it's kinda crappy but a few more of these filler-esque drawings and there will be something colored, I swear.

Two more finals left, then grad, then a family reunion, then I start drawing and coloring people and making a logo... I also have an idea for a comic, so we'll see if that happens or not.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well... at least that's what it's supposed to be...

I suppose I have a few more things I can post, but don't expect much from me in the next week. Finals suck. Also, a few of the actually good ones I have drawn recently will kinda give away how I'm gonna draw a few of the people who I plan to still make into cartoons over the summer. Yea, I didn't forget. There's like... 6 of you guys so give me a little time...

Friday, June 15, 2007

...Sasquatch maybe?

I think this was supposed to be a sasquatch... with pizza...
I was originally gonna crop this a bit more, but then I realized that I put him with a pizza right where I was supposed to do a question about stomach acid. That's ironic.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

LEO the lion says GER

This is a chemistry joke. You'll either get it or you won't, but there really isn't much point in explaining it...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Last History Drawing

Here's one more history drawing, this not being about star wars but instead for a liberal party add/propaganda type poster we had to make. It reminds me how much I want a pocket watch...

Also, the math monster seems to be doing pretty well. Almost 1000 people have scored it so hopefully it's getting scored well!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Ewok on Endor

Another drawing from my history project. I did this rather quickly, and you can probably that I put very little effort into everything except the ewok. I have some new stuff to post but haven't gotten around to scanning it yet, so I'll have some more stuff to post as long as I remember :P

Oh, and my math monster is up for voting. The reviews are mixed I'd say, but not bad for my first actual try at getting something printed on threadless.

The Math Monster - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever